The curse of the sugars

Post date: Aug 19, 2013 7:06:40 AM

The sugars in high-GI foods are broken down quickly so they do not supply a sustained source of energy. Instead, they cause our blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. The body has to respond to this by making large quantities of the blood sugar-lowering hormone, insulin, and releasing it into the blood. Unfortunately, insulin is often too good at its job and instead of just reducing blood sugar levels to a desirable level, it sends them plummeting to levels lower than they were originally. This sets up a yo-yo effect as the body then responds by making us crave fatty, sugary foods in an attempt to make our blood sugar levels rise again.As a result, almost every meal we eat contains the sorts of carbohydrates that break down quickly and release their sugars rapidly into the bloodstream, such as baked potatoes, chips, easy-cook rice, biscuits, cereals, cakes, breads and fast foods. And it is these foods that are contributing to many of our health problems.A diet rich in high-GI foods can cause you to eat more calories high-GI foods are quick to break down. The quicker a food breaks down, the sooner you will become hungry and the more likely you will be to want to eat again. high-GI foods will cause your blood sugar levels to rapidly rise and then fall. insulin’s main roles is to promote fat storage, so the more insulin you have in your blood the more likely you are to store fat.

Removing the white refined grains(white rice, white pasta, sugar, biscuits, cakes etc!) from your diet is a great place to start regaining better health, vitality and weight loss.